A Note to Parents

What Many Young Athletes Want Their Parents to Know

Parents Play a Crucial Role in Helping Students Achieve Success

(Here is What Young Athletes Really Want Their Parents to Know)

Kids want their parents to be thrilled that they are turning out for a sport.
 Let’s be realistic…they are occupying their time, learning, staying out of trouble, and being apart of something bigger than themselves. 

Kids want their parents to understand that not everyone can be the star of the team, but do need to be recognized for their contributions by their parents. Focus on the things your kid did well, not what he or she didn’t do, get to do, or how many minutes he or she played.

Kids play sports to have fun.
 In 1989, Michigan State University conducted a study of high school athletes across the nation and concluded the #1 reason why both boys and girls turn out for a high school sport is to “have fun.” Number 10 on the list was to “go to a higher level.” 

Kids do not want to be coached by their parents during the game. “It makes me feel inadequate.”
 This is the number one most embarrassing action a parent can do to a kid on the playing field or court. Trying to coach their teammates is worse. There are many people who want to tell your kid what to do, but he or she only has one set of parents. Take on that special role, and let the coach coach.

Kids do not want to be coached by their parent after the game.
 Every player deserves an hour or two to decompress after a game. Talk to your kid about the game when he or she is ready, and wait to be asked for advice. Most kids just want a hug after a game. The coach will certainly instruct him or her on what they did wrong at the next practice.

Kids want you to know that this is not your opportunity to relive your past.
 Your kid’s successes and failures are theirs to experience and do not reflect on your ability to parent him and her. High school sports are the safest place to fail and learn from mistakes before they enter a world where there are real consequences for making mistakes.

Kids do not want you to get in the middle of him or her and the coach.
 Conflicts are inevitable, but 90% of those conflicts can be resolved between the coach and the player. Encourage your kid to meet with a coach about their concerns before you get involved. 

Most importantly, your kid knows that your support, whether it is attending games, volunteering on the booster club, or helping out at team dinners is out of love for them. Take advantage of these opportunities because they will be gone before you know it!
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